How to Translate Your Jira

Default dictionary

Once the add-on is installed and synchronized, we can start with the default dictionary by going to: Dictionary → Restore default dictionary:


This will create a basic translation for the customer portal.

It will only work if the user’s language is set to English; for other languages, you will need to create your own translations.

You can also export and import a JSON dictionary.

After that, you need to manually sync using the 'Sync with Atlassian' button, or wait one hour for the automatic sync. This video shows the process for the default dictionary:

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Make new translations

In the previous video, we showed that the customer portal is translated. However, for example, in the profile menu, 'Create a help center' is not translated. Let’s address this:

First, we need to activate detection mode by going to: Configuration → Enable detection:


Once it’s enabled, we go to the portal to find the text that is not translated. We need to make sure that the status is set to ON:


We reload the page and display the dropdown menu. The extension will detect the new text, and in the next automatic or manual sync, it will appear in Pending Translations.

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Then, we enter the desired translation and click Save.


In the Translation menu, we will find the new translation, where we can update or discard it.


Now we can perform another sync to communicate with the extension, and we will find the text translated.

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Please allow 2-3 minutes for the new translation to appear. This delay is to prevent overloading Jira with every new translation.